Freelance | Fall 2020

Project: Design a logo for the new organization Kentucky Unitarian Universalist Justice Action Network. The logo will be used for online communications such as an email newsletter, for the group's website, social media icons/banners, letterhead, and more.

Solution: I worked with the organization's director throughout the design process to make sure we were on the same page about the design direction and any specifications. She had some great ideas already, so there were some parameters for the process. We needed something that included the full text of the organization's name, not the acronym (KUUJAN); some symbol or visual representation of the state of Kentucky and of the Unitarian Universalist faith; and we wanted to be especially mindful of any potentially (even/especially unintentional) cultural misappropriation.

We decided to use the outline of the state of Kentucky and the shade of blue that the Kentucky state flag uses. There's a second, lighter shade of blue which KUUJAN had already been using and we stuck with that color as well. The yellow is reminiscent of goldenrod, the state flower & an element of the state seal. The chalice is the primary symbol of the Unitarian Universalist faith.
The Kentucky state flag, state seal, and the most common version of the UU chalice - all were graphic inspirations that informed our choices.
We did several rounds of sketching, talking, and sketching more, before settling on a direction to follow through to a polished logo. Honestly there are some great unused ideas in here - if any UU groups out there need a logo designed, I'm ready for ya! 
The final brand guidelines I made for the organization's leader as she makes graphics on her own incorporating the new logo and brand colors!

